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Welcome To Kingfisher Class

Young Businessman
Young Businessman

Miss Karen Sturgess


Full Time

Mrs Sara Hall

Teaching Partner

Mrs Kate Carter

Teaching Partner

All our dreams can come true- if we have the courage to pursue them’

Walt Disney

In Kingfisher Class we like to learn in a way that is engaging, informative and creative. We are curious and inquisitive. We know that if one day we cannot do something, it just means ‘not yet’!

In Year 3/4 we continue to use practical resources in all subjects. Learning by ‘doing’ and ‘making’ supports our cognitive development and helps us to become learners for life.  Every day, our class teachers and TPs help us to learn, ‘soar’ and make us laugh. We work together, in pairs, and on our own to succeed and be the best we can be- we love to show resilience by ‘striving’!

We follow the National Curriculum as set out by the government covering all subjects including Maths, English, Science, Music Art and Design Technology, Geography, History, RE, PE and PSHCE.

We all like to ‘Sparkle’ in Kingfishers and show this through our friendships, our kindness and our ability to try our very best.

We hope you find the information below useful. If you have any questions please do contact us.

Class Video

Archived Information

Autumn Term Overview

Autumn Term Letter

Spring Term Overview

Spring Term Letter

Summer Term Overview

Summer Term Letter

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