What is the role of the governing body?
“The role of school governors is to set strategic direction, to hold school leaders to account
for improving performance, and to make sure money is well spent”
Department for Education

What is the Governing Body
All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions, ultimately to represent the school community.
The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the Local Authority. Whilst the Headteacher is, of course, responsible for the day to day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.
Who are our Governors?
Governors are either elected or appointed. The John Moore Primary governing body consists of:
The Headteacher
One elected staff governor
Appointed Local Authority governor
Two elected parent governors
Up to five co-opted governors
The standard term of office for a governor is four years. The chair and vice-chair are elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.
The chair of governors is Mrs Angela Cox, who can be contacted via the school by clicking here.
Interested in being a School Governor?
All School Governors must either be appointed or elected. To find out more about being a Governor click here
If you are interested in being a Governor at our School please contact: Mr Simon Lockley (Headteacher) or Mrs Angela Cox (Chair of Governors) through the School.
Nominations and elections for Parent Governors are held as vacancies occur.
Alternatively please contact Gloucestershire Governor services here, for details of vacancies in other Schools.