Little Foxes Preschool
Contact: littlefoxesadmin@johnmoore.gloucs.sch.uk
Our wonderful staff are highly qualified in early years care and ensure all Little Foxes children can learn and develop through stimulating, play-led activities in a safe environment. The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework forms the basis of all we do; and we ensure we make it fun! All of our activities centre around the needs of the individual children, with careful planning ensuring that children make good progress against all seven areas of learning in the EYFS.
As well as our extensive range of indoor toys and resources we have our own outdoor area complete with mud kitchen and wet weather gear to ensure we get outside as much as possible. Little Foxes also have access to parts of the primary school such as the field, playground and school hall giving the children a variety of areas to explore and learn in. We have weekly PE and Forest School Sessions for both Wren and Sparrow Class.
We maintain close links with The John Moore School and all other local primary schools to ensure we give the children the best possible start to their education and that they are ready for school when they leave us.
Little Foxes is central to the local community with parents and carers encouraged to play an active part at the setting, including stay and play sessions. Playgroup isn’t just for the children, it is a place where parents and carers can make new friends and find support.
We use Famly as a main source of communication between Preschool and parents. We will provide you with a login when your child starts with us. We share photographs, learning journey updates and other information through Famly!
We have two classes at Preschool. Wren who are between 2 and 3 and Sparrow who are 3 and 4. See the following links to more information to each Class.

Admissions for Little Foxes
Most children start with us in September of each year, though we do take a small intake of children at Christmas and Easter. Children are eligible to join Wren class in the school year they turn 3, for September 2024 they will have a date of birth between 1st of September 2021 and 31st of August 2022. Please note that a place at Little Foxes will not guarantee a place at John Moore Primary School and please see the local authority information about how to apply for Primary School places.
Applications will be sent to emails of interested families around Easter and we will then allocate places based on our Admissions Policy. If you wish to register your interest, send an email to the address below and we will provide you any further information.
We have an information evening in June/July for all new starters and book in Home Visits and Settle Sessions for September. If you choose for your child to start at Christmas or Easter then we may not be able to offer a home visit but will have a phone call instead.
Most children settle well with us with a Home Visit and Settle Session, if for any reason your child needs extra time to settle with us then we will discuss and work with you to ensure that your child is happy and thriving at Little Foxes.
Fees and Funding
We currently offer session times each day
Morning Session 8.50am-11.50am (3.00hr)
Afternoon Session 12.20pm - 2.50pm (2.50hr)
All Day Session 8.50am - 2.50pm (6.00hr)
We are able to provide a snack for our Sparrow Class but Wrens are expected to bring a healthy snack each session.
From September 2024
2 year old will be £7.50 per hour
3 year old will be £6.00 per hour
Invoices are sent monthly in advance from our Famly app, we accept payment by BACS, Childcare Vouchers and Tax Free Childcare as we are an OFSTED registered provision. The change from 2 - 3 year old payment will be from the next month after they turn 3.
We accept A2YO (Achieving 2 year old Funding) and 15 and 30 hour Working Parent Entitlement