School Meals & Parent Pay

School Meals
With our large, onsite kitchen we are able to offer children a hot meal at lunchtime. For children in our Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes this is free through government funding.
For children in Key Stage 2 meals cost £2.54 a day, payable through ParentPay, in advance. For some children whose parents receive qualifying benefits their child/ren will be entitled to free school meals in EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Please see the Free School Meals Application Form below to apply for this.
If you prefer to send your child/ren to School with a packed lunch, we ask that it is in a suitable, named lunchbox, which will then be kept on our lunchbox trollies ready for lunchtime.
Children are entitled to free milk up until they turn 5, funded by the government. After this there is a charge for milk, which can be ordered through our supplier. Please see the letter below for more information.
We ask all parents to keep us up to date with any special dietary requirements your child may have, including for religion. Please complete the necessary forms below or contact the School Office for further help and support.
Please note if your child has a specific food allergy or intolerance we will need a medical letter to accompany the form below.
Useful Information
Free School Meal Information for Parents
Free School Meal Application Form
Parent Pay and Meal Manager
As a School, we use the online system Parent Pay as a cashless online system for parents to pay for school trips, including residentials, and Key Stage 2 school dinners. This system is also used to order your children's meals. When your child starts school a letter will be sent home explaining how to set up your account and instructions on how to order meals. If you have any problems please call our school office.
Click here for the link to Parent Pay