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Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Development (SMSC)

What is SMSC?


There is a duty for schools to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural development under the Education and Inspections Act 2006.


At John Moore Primary School the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is considered to be a whole school issue. We aim to promote it through the following:

  • the ethos of the school

  • all subjects of the curriculum have a contribution to make, with particularly strong links to R.E. and P.S.C.H.E

  • collective worship

  •  positive role models from all adults in school

  •  pastoral care

  • extra curriculum activities


What is spiritual, moral, social and cultural development?


Spiritual development



This relates to a person’s inner life (which may be described with words such as soul, spirit or personality) and the way that these inner feelings, beliefs, values and reflections are expressed. It involves an appreciation of a non material dimension to life and gives a person a sense of purpose. Spiritual development is not linked solely to a particular doctrine or faith and is, therefore, accessible to everyone. All areas of the curriculum should contribute to children’s spiritual development.


Aims for spiritual development


  • encourage pupils to express feelings of wonder and to ask big questions  

  • promote opportunities for pupils to empathise and consider the viewpoints of others

  •  provide pupils with opportunities to express their own beliefs in a variety of ways   e.g. discussions,poetry ,art

  •  to highlight examples of how beliefs and values influence person actions

  •  to provide opportunities for quiet reflection


Moral development



This concerns children’s ability to make personal judgements about how they should behave and act and the reasons for such behaviour. Children should develop a sense of right and wrong based on their own personal values, rather than consequences or sanctions. It should result in them making informed choices about their behaviour and lifestyle.


Aims for moral development

  •  develop an atmosphere which encourages honesty

  •  Golden rules and class rules are followed for the good of all

  •  provide opportunities to support charity work, both local and global

  • pupils are encouraged to be responsible for their own actions


Social development



This refers to the development of attitudes and qualities that enable children to become responsible members of the class, school and wider community.


Aims for social development

  • all members of the school community relate positively to others

  • all children are encouraged to participate fully in school life

  • encourage awareness and tolerance of the needs of others


Cultural development



This involves an awareness, appreciation and tolerance of customs, traditions and cultural identity, both their own and those of others.


Aims for cultural development

  •  provide opportunities to share a wide range of cultural experiences

  •  develop a sense of belonging to one’s own culture

  •  to develop a knowledge and understanding of other cultures which will encourage  tolerance

Key Documents 

SMSC Policy 

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